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Active ingredient

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Chaga cream-balm for scars 75ml

Chaga cream-balm for scars 75ml

Improves skin quality, heals abrasions, eliminates inflammations.
7,60 €
4,50 €
100% Rakytal oil 250 ± 3% ml Rich oil

100% Rakytal oil 250 ± 3% ml Rich oil

Strengthens the heart activity, promotes metabolism and the activity of the intestinal tract.
20,45 €
MAITAKE (Grifola frondoza) "Dancing mushroom" 80tbl.

MAITAKE (Grifola frondoza) "Dancing mushroom" 80tbl.

Supportive agent for treating processes of inflammation in the digestive system.
18,50 €


100% šťava, opatrný priamy lis, bez koncentrátu.
4,80 €
Milona 5 For women EVALAR 100tbl.

Milona 5 For women EVALAR 100tbl.

Helps to renew the hormonal balance and the female reproductive system.
12,90 €
Active plant carbon 10tbl.

Active plant carbon 10tbl.

Aktívne uhlie rastlinného pôvodu
2,70 €
100% walnut Oil of the Royal (walnut) 200ml

100% walnut Oil of the Royal (walnut) 200ml

Affects the central nervous system beneficially. Contains a high amount of iron.
14,90 €
Befungin – Chaga (Cinder conk) aqueous extract 140ml

Befungin – Chaga (Cinder conk) aqueous extract 140ml

Natural preparation containing Chaga (cinder conk) for body strengthening.
14,40 €
VALERIAN Extra 45tbl

VALERIAN Extra 45tbl

For calm sleep.
3,95 €
Magic Chalk 20 tbl.

Magic Chalk 20 tbl.

Obsahuje vápnik z kriedových usadenín schránok morských organizmov. Pre zdravé zuby, kosti aj svaly.
4,90 €
Body cream with lake sponge Badjaga and Mummy for bruises and pigment spots 100g Rescuer

Body cream with lake sponge Badjaga and Mummy for bruises and pigment spots 100g Rescuer

Regeneruje tkanivá, zlepšuje pružnosť ciev a krvný obeh. Uľahčuje vstrebávanie modrín a opuchov.
7,10 €
ČAGA Cosmetic Cream 911 for the musculoskeletal system with chondroitin

ČAGA Cosmetic Cream 911 for the musculoskeletal system with chondroitin

For back pain, painful muscles and joints and improvement of mobility.
9,50 €
Chaga extract 100ml

Chaga extract 100ml

Harmonizácia a posilnenie organizmu. Normalizuje proces trávenia.
19,20 €
Chaga extract 50ml

Chaga extract 50ml

Harmonizácia a posilnenie organizmu.
14,30 €
Spirulina tablets 500mg 240tbl. GSE BIO

Spirulina tablets 500mg 240tbl. GSE BIO

Prispieva k tvorbe červených krviniek a hemoglobínu, k normálnej funkcii imunitného systému a k zníženiu miery únavy a vyčerpania.
16,90 €
Milona 8 For good sleep EVALAR 100tbl.

Milona 8 For good sleep EVALAR 100tbl.

A complex preparation designed to soothe the organism under stress.
14,30 €
Vitaflorin 90kps ENERGY

Vitaflorin 90kps ENERGY

Chronické infekčné ochorenia vírusy, baktérie, plesne. Obsahuje čisto prírodné extrakty z rastlín a plodov ako plnohodnotné zdroje nevyhnutných vitamínov
19,50 €