Medicinal mushrooms


Medicinal mushrooms

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MAITAKE 120 capsules

MAITAKE 120 capsules

Improves the defence system. Supports haematopoiesis and strengthens bone marrow.
26,90 €
INNER BALANCE PAnakeya 100kps

INNER BALANCE PAnakeya 100kps

Bez gluténu. VEGAN. Bez GMO. Bez kofeínu. Bez laktózy.
46,50 €
Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) - drops 50ml

Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) - drops 50ml

Strengthens the immune system, reduces the level of cholesterol and sugar in blood.
15,20 €


Improves the defence system. Supports haematopoiesis and strengthens bone marrow.
29,55 €
SHIITAKE "Elixir of Life" 120tbl

SHIITAKE "Elixir of Life" 120tbl

For liver difficulties, mental exhaustion. Strengthens immunity.
29,90 €
REISHI "Mushroom of Immortality" 80tbl.

REISHI "Mushroom of Immortality" 80tbl.

Improves the defence system. Supports haematopoiesis and strengthens bone marrow.
15,50 €
Cordyceps sinensis - drops 50ml

Cordyceps sinensis - drops 50ml

Stimulates the immune system, promotes the energy system.
20,60 €


Inovované zloženie. Pri ateroskleróze a ucpatých cievach. Aj ako profylaxia.
45,50 €
Kvapky Herícium erinaceus (Korálovec) 100ml

Kvapky Herícium erinaceus (Korálovec) 100ml

Tráviaci trakt, nervový systém.
18,80 €
Chaga dragee 50g

Chaga dragee 50g

Against inflammatory processes of the digestive system.
13,20 €
CAGA 120toboliek

CAGA 120toboliek

Against inflammatory processes of the digestive system.
29,50 €
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) - drops 50ml

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) - drops 50ml

Has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Harmonises the organism after the impacts of chemotherapy.
20,20 €
Kvapky Hadovka (Phallus impudicus) 100ml

Kvapky Hadovka (Phallus impudicus) 100ml

Obranyschopnosť organizmu. Posiľnuje celkovú imunitu organizmu.
21,50 €
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) powder 150g

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) powder 150g

Prirodzene tlmí alergické reakcie. Podporuje krvotvorbu. Má protizápalový účinok.
16,50 €
16,90 €
Chaga cream-balm for scars 75ml

Chaga cream-balm for scars 75ml

Improves skin quality, heals abrasions, eliminates inflammations.
7,60 €
MAITAKE (Grifola frondoza) "Dancing mushroom" 80tbl.

MAITAKE (Grifola frondoza) "Dancing mushroom" 80tbl.

Supportive agent for treating processes of inflammation in the digestive system.
18,50 €
Milona 5 For women EVALAR 100tbl.

Milona 5 For women EVALAR 100tbl.

Helps to renew the hormonal balance and the female reproductive system.
12,90 €