Wounds, cracks, hemorrhoids

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Wounds, cracks, hemorrhoids

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Tiger´s eye procto with long-leaved hare's ear (Bupleurum longifolium) 75ml

Tiger´s eye procto with long-leaved hare's ear (Bupleurum longifolium) 75ml

Gives relief from pain and annoying itch during haemorrhoids.
9,45 €
AROMATICA Phyto balm St John's-wort (Hypericum) and marigold (Calendula) 15g

AROMATICA Phyto balm St John's-wort (Hypericum) and marigold (Calendula) 15g

Effective for cold and rhinitis. Suitable for inhalation and to bath.
5,95 €
Cream "Altajské Múmio" 30ml

Cream "Altajské Múmio" 30ml

Krém obsahuje: kokosový olej 10%, aloe šťavu 6%, múmio 2%, olej z rakytníka 1%, vitamín E, 1% myrhový olej 
6,30 €
Rescue circle hand cream with propolis and mumijo (shilajit) 100ml

Rescue circle hand cream with propolis and mumijo (shilajit) 100ml

Hand cream with propolis and mumijo (shilajit), vitamins for skin and nails.
7,05 €
Natural roll-on after 10ml ARIES bite

Natural roll-on after 10ml ARIES bite

Po uštipnutí hmyzom, popŕhlení pŕhľavou, či medúzou. Nepríjemné svrbenie po uhryznutí hmyzom.
5,40 €
Bio PROPOLIS Cream with Calendurette 50ml APIVITA

Bio PROPOLIS Cream with Calendurette 50ml APIVITA

Na menšie poranenia, jazvy, akné, kožné infekcie, plesňové ochorenia pokožky.
10,20 €
Celandine hand and nail cream with keratin 42ml

Celandine hand and nail cream with keratin 42ml

Effective against bacteria, viruses, cracks and skin damage.
3,20 €
Sea buckt cream with mumio, calenduch and almost 75ml

Sea buckt cream with mumio, calenduch and almost 75ml

Effective against bacteria, viruses, cracks and skin damage.
7,90 €
"Sea Bass" Cream for cracks of the skin of the hands and feet" 44ml Rescuer

"Sea Bass" Cream for cracks of the skin of the hands and feet" 44ml Rescuer

Obsahuje Lamináriu, Chitosan a Borievku. Výborne vyživuje popraskanú kožu, hydratuje extrémne vysušenú pokožku.
4,50 €
Body cream-balm "Mumio with sea buckthorn" 40ml Elixir

Body cream-balm "Mumio with sea buckthorn" 40ml Elixir

Výťažky z rakytníka, mäty piepornej, aloe vera, ľubovníka bodkovaného, ​​rumančeka, skorocelu a badyaga dopĺňajú a umocňujú účinok mumia.
5,95 €
Marigold cream with vitamin E 50ml Apivita

Marigold cream with vitamin E 50ml Apivita

Pri hojení ekzémov, aj ako krém po holení, detský krém pre maličké deti, na suchú pokožku.
10,20 €
Tea tree and zinc acne balm 50g Rescuer 

Tea tree and zinc acne balm 50g Rescuer 

Balzam na akné, mastnú pleť a čierne bodky s obsahom Tea tree oleja a  zinku.
5,80 €
HEMP OINTMENT CBD 1000 mg pure

HEMP OINTMENT CBD 1000 mg pure

Hemp ointment is effective for ulcers, warts, blisters and visible scars, psoriasis. It has confirmed anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects.
40,30 €
Hemp ointment pure CBD 500 mg 30ml

Hemp ointment pure CBD 500 mg 30ml

Effective for acne, psoriasis, visible scars.
29,50 €
Rescuer PROKTO Hemorrhoid Balm 50g

Rescuer PROKTO Hemorrhoid Balm 50g

Calming cream for rectum skin care during haemorrhoids.
5,90 €
6,20 €
Rescue circle body cream-balm with Spongilla lacustris and shilajit (mumijo) for bruises and pigment spots 50g

Rescue circle body cream-balm with Spongilla lacustris and shilajit (mumijo) for bruises and pigment spots 50g

Obsahuje: Propolis, Pagaštan, Arnika horská. Regeneruje tkanivá, zlepšuje pružnosť ciev a krvný obeh. Uľahčuje vstrebávanie modrín a opuchov.
6,30 €
Rescue circle for children and adults 50g

Rescue circle for children and adults 50g

Cream contains colloidal silver. It is intended for pressure ulcers and intertrigos.
6,20 €