Medical mushrooms


Medical mushrooms

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Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) - drops 50ml

Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) - drops 50ml

Strengthens the immune system, reduces the level of cholesterol and sugar in blood.
15,20 €
6,40 €
Cordyceps sinensis - drops 50ml

Cordyceps sinensis - drops 50ml

Stimulates the immune system, promotes the energy system.
20,60 €
Kvapky Herícium erinaceus (Korálovec) 100ml

Kvapky Herícium erinaceus (Korálovec) 100ml

Tráviaci trakt, nervový systém.
18,80 €
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) - drops 50ml

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) - drops 50ml

Has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Harmonises the organism after the impacts of chemotherapy.
20,20 €
Kvapky Hadovka (Phallus impudicus) 100ml

Kvapky Hadovka (Phallus impudicus) 100ml

Obranyschopnosť organizmu. Posiľnuje celkovú imunitu organizmu.
21,50 €
Befungin – Chaga (Cinder conk) aqueous extract 140ml

Befungin – Chaga (Cinder conk) aqueous extract 140ml

Natural preparation containing Chaga (cinder conk) for body strengthening.
14,40 €
Chaga extract 100ml

Chaga extract 100ml

Harmonizácia a posilnenie organizmu. Normalizuje proces trávenia.
19,20 €
Chaga extract 50ml

Chaga extract 50ml

Harmonizácia a posilnenie organizmu.
14,30 €
MycoBaby Dragon Syrup 200ml MycoMedica

MycoBaby Dragon Syrup 200ml MycoMedica

Na posilnenie imunity, vhodný pri zmenách ročných období. Pre deti aj dospelých.
9,00 €
Goblin syrup MycoMedica

Goblin syrup MycoMedica

Sirup obsahuje vitamíny D a K2, ktoré podporujú normálny stav kostí.
9,00 €
Golden chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) fungus - drops 50ml

Golden chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) fungus - drops 50ml

Supports cleansing of the digestive system, protects the liver.
12,80 €