Manufacturer: Záchranár

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Manufacturer: Záchranár

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Balm with badger fat, mint, ginseng and echinacea 45g Rescuer

Balm with badger fat, mint, ginseng and echinacea 45g Rescuer

Massage cream for muscle tension and oedemas.
5,70 €
Tea tree and zinc acne balm 50g Rescuer 

Tea tree and zinc acne balm 50g Rescuer 

Balzam na akné, mastnú pleť a čierne bodky s obsahom Tea tree oleja a  zinku.
5,80 €
Rescue circle bee cream 50g

Rescue circle bee cream 50g

With extracts of pine (Pinus), camphor, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and cinnamon oil.
7,50 €
Rescue circle warming snake cream 50g

Rescue circle warming snake cream 50g

Contains extract of hot pepper. For warming massage.
8,95 €
Rescuer PROKTO Hemorrhoid Balm 50g

Rescuer PROKTO Hemorrhoid Balm 50g

Calming cream for rectum skin care during haemorrhoids.
5,90 €
Rescue circle for children and adults 50g

Rescue circle for children and adults 50g

Cream contains colloidal silver. It is intended for pressure ulcers and intertrigos.
6,20 €
Saviour acne cream with celandine 50g

Saviour acne cream with celandine 50g

Works against acne, bacteria, inflammations, itch and redness of skin.
6,30 €
6,30 €
Rescue circle hand cream with propolis and mumijo (shilajit) 100ml

Rescue circle hand cream with propolis and mumijo (shilajit) 100ml

Hand cream with propolis and mumijo (shilajit), vitamins for skin and nails.
7,05 €
6,20 €
Rescue circle body cream-balm with Spongilla lacustris and shilajit (mumijo) for bruises and pigment spots 50g

Rescue circle body cream-balm with Spongilla lacustris and shilajit (mumijo) for bruises and pigment spots 50g

Obsahuje: Propolis, Pagaštan, Arnika horská. Regeneruje tkanivá, zlepšuje pružnosť ciev a krvný obeh. Uľahčuje vstrebávanie modrín a opuchov.
6,30 €
SugarStop 30 capsules

SugarStop 30 capsules

Regulates the correct blood sugar level. Contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion.
8,40 €
Cream-gel PAGAŠTAN Horse For tired legs, for blood vessels 135ml

Cream-gel PAGAŠTAN Horse For tired legs, for blood vessels 135ml

Cievne pavučinky. Proti opuchom nôh. Problémy s cievami a žilami na nohách.
8,90 €
ČAGA complex herbal cream-gel 100ml

ČAGA complex herbal cream-gel 100ml

Obsahuje: Zlatý vlas Kalísia, Kostihoj, Nátržnica, Argánový a Konopný olej, žraločí tuk, meď, striebro, horčík, vápnik, zeolit, biotín, kyselina hyalurónová, propolis, chondroitín, glukosamín, éterické oleje: Borovice, Borievky, Eukalyptus, Jedľa sibírska.
4,50 €
Komplexný bylinný krém-gél na pohybový systém "BIŠOFIT" 100ml

Komplexný bylinný krém-gél na pohybový systém "BIŠOFIT" 100ml

Aktívne látky: bišofit, mentol, gáfor, konopný olej, arganový olej, čajovníkový olej, eukalyptový olej, jedľový olej, borievkový olej, glukosamín, kolagén, kyselina hyalurónová.
4,50 €
Complex herbal cream-gel for the movement system "BEE POISON" 100ml

Complex herbal cream-gel for the movement system "BEE POISON" 100ml

Obsahuje chondroitín, glukosamín, kolagén, kostihoj, nátržnicu, Kalísiu, propolis, meď, striebro, horčík, vápnik, zeolit, biotín, kyselinu hyalurónovú...
4,50 €
9,50 €
"Uhriderm" Cream with Calendula, Celandine, Green Tea and Zinc 100ml Rescuer

"Uhriderm" Cream with Calendula, Celandine, Green Tea and Zinc 100ml Rescuer

Na akné, čierne bodky, zmenšuje póry, hydratuje a upokojuje podráždenie.
7,90 €