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Traditional medicine

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Rhodiola extract drops 25ml

Rhodiola extract drops 25ml

Rozchodnica ružová, zlatý koreň.
12,40 €
Mastichové kryštály 10gramov

Mastichové kryštály 10gramov

Proti zubnému kazu. Dezinfekcia ústnej dutiny. Zabraňuje tvorbe zubného plaku.
4,90 €
Biotin 30 Tablets

Biotin 30 Tablets

Dôležitý pre metabolizmus bielkovín, sacharidov a tukov. Na správnu činnosť nervovej sústavy.
7,95 €
DIOSMIN Venor 30tbl

DIOSMIN Venor 30tbl

Obsahuje flavonoid diosmin, ktorý je určený na starostlivosť o cievy. Zlepšuje mikrocirkuláciu.
9,50 €
Milk thistle oil (Silybum marianum) 200 capsules

Milk thistle oil (Silybum marianum) 200 capsules

Regulates digestion and strengthens liver. Also maintains normal cholesterol level in blood.
10,50 €
Selén 60tbl.

Selén 60tbl.

Prispieva k normálnej činnosti štítnej žľazy, podporuje imunitný systém a tvorbu spermií.
4,10 €
6,40 €
Boswellia (Frankincense) extract 40tbl.

Boswellia (Frankincense) extract 40tbl.

Contains sea fish oil, linseed oil and olive oil.
7,80 €
Euphrasia (Eyebright) - for eyes 30tbl.

Euphrasia (Eyebright) - for eyes 30tbl.

Supports and improves the eye function. It is efficient for conjunctivitis and tired eyes from computer and driving.
11,88 €
100% Hemp seed oil 100ml

100% Hemp seed oil 100ml

Prevention and treatment of several lifestyle diseases.
10,20 €
Mustard wraps 10pcs

Mustard wraps 10pcs

Time-honoured overheating agent for inflammations and pain of various origins.
3,50 €
23,50 €
Skin regenerating cream "Aloe+Panthenol" 50g Rescuer 112

Skin regenerating cream "Aloe+Panthenol" 50g Rescuer 112

Contains royal jelly and propolis. For pain in joints and spine.
5,60 €
Rescue circle bee cream 50g

Rescue circle bee cream 50g

With extracts of pine (Pinus), camphor, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and cinnamon oil.
7,50 €
Hop (Humulus) 30 capsules

Hop (Humulus) 30 capsules

Calm course of menopause in women suffering from hot flashes. It facilitates digestion.
4,80 €
Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) 80tbl.

Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) 80tbl.

Contributes to the protection of liver and normalisation of blood pressure and arrhythmia.
18,10 €