Omega 3 - page 2


Omega 3

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Enriched garlic oil 100cps.

Enriched garlic oil 100cps.

Contains vitamins and minerals with a complex impact on the organism.
8,50 €
Oil with vitamin E and C "OMEGA RED" Bio Planete

Oil with vitamin E and C "OMEGA RED" Bio Planete

Prispieva k normálnej činnosti nervovej sústavy, podporuje tvorbu kolagénu a vstrebávanie železa.
10,30 €
36,40 €
100% Rose hip oil 100ml

100% Rose hip oil 100ml

Affects the gallbladder function beneficially, regulates metabolism.
8,50 €
Bio Spirulina Powder 200g

Bio Spirulina Powder 200g

Bohatý na vitamíny A, B, C, E, omega-3, omega-6, minerály (vápnik, železo, horčík, meď, mangán...)
18,70 €
SESAME OIL Natural 250ml BioPlanete

SESAME OIL Natural 250ml BioPlanete

Vegan, BIO, lisovaný za studena, najvyššia kvalita.
5,98 €
Fish oil OMEGA 3 with sea buckthorn (Hippophae) oil

Fish oil OMEGA 3 with sea buckthorn (Hippophae) oil

Source of unsaturated fatty acids.
7,40 €
7,70 €
100% Walnut Oil 100ml Altai SPECIALIST

100% Walnut Oil 100ml Altai SPECIALIST

Affects the central nervous system beneficially. Contains a high amount of iron.
10,80 €